Hero Fusion

Fusion is the feature of the game where you can get higher tiered heroes in your account. You can do this by combining two FULLY UPGRADED Lvl 30 heroes of the same tier.

In this page, I'll guide you how.

For those that missed or actually didn't bother reading the tutorial in the game, here's the tutorial video that you missed:
As for those that are having the problem of not being able to FUSE their heroes, here's the guide for you. The first thing that you'll need are two FULLY UPGRADED heroes that are of the same tier. In this example, we will have Aland and Batalruss.
As you can see, both of them are at Level 30 and fully upgraded. Full upgrade simply means that your hero's star points are at maximum (which is indicated on how many yellow stars it got).
Second, check if your heroes is not part of any team nor in the arena. You can do this by checking their hero icon in your list.
Let's check on Aland's icon.
As you can see, he got both the arena and team indicator. Thus, if we will try to fuse him with Batalruss, you won't be able to see him in the fusion list.
To fix this, let's first remove Aland from the active teams.
As you can see, his team indicator is already gone. Next would be removing him from the arena.
Once your hero, in this case it's Aland, is no longer part of any active teams nor the arena he's now available for fusion.
There you have it. :)

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