Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beginner's Guide 101

Flyff Allstars was launched last December 2014. I began playing actively on the first week of January 2015. And I've been playing actively since then. :) I've been hanging around the Official Facebook Group Page of the game as well. Within the community, I noticed that many new players in the game are having a bit of difficulty in coping. It is true that each and everyone of us got our own way on how we would like to play this game, nonetheless, I've seen some doing hasty things in their account. I am in no position to tell you what to do, what I am aiming in this post is to guide and give some advice for those who are seeking them as to how they can efficiently play this game.

Okay, are you ready? Let's start! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
  1. Upon playing the game for the first time, you will be given a default set of heroes namely Rodel, Lucil, and Woo-Chu. Rodel and Lucil are already decent heroes for the 3-star tier. Hence, the only hero you must replace is Woo-Chu. But this should not stop you from using a different set of 3-star heroes. I'll be posting reviews for each hero tiers on a separate post, so watch out for it. In a general sense, the worthwhile heroes are the range type. You can check the Heroes Page on this blog to help you figure out which ones are the range type and the melee type. If you got a dilemma or need to hear some opinion regarding your set of heroes, just feel free to post them on the official facebook group. Everyone's willing to help each other out. :)
  2. Take time to go through the game tutorial if this is the first time that you're going to play this game. The in-game tutorials are sufficient enough to make you understand how the game works and it will already answer a majority of FAQs that many newbies miss. 
  3. If you're already a veteran player that wants to get the most out of the tutorial bonuses and already familiar on how stuff works inside the game, skip through the tutorial mission for hero upgrade and forge gears using the tutorial icon that can be found on the upper right side of the screen (under the Team icon). Instead, just do things normally without going through them. The game is set up in a way that these tutorials will automatically activate once you're gonna do the actions associated with them for the first time. This way, not only you will get the associated completion bonus you will also get a free one time hero upgrade and forged gears.

  4. If you're planning to play this game in a long-run, be sure not to miss the login bonuses. If you're going to have a busy day, just login for a minute and just logout immediately after claiming your attendance bonus. Easy, right? :)
  5. Be sure to always check your mailbox. It's the envelope icon with a red ribbon on the upper right corner of the screen. If you can see a "N" on that envelope, it means you've got a new item in your mailbox. Please take note that your mails got an expiry date. So be sure to grab them before it's too late.
  6. Doing the daily quests and hero quests is one of the best way to gain loots in the game. Especially diamonds. (✧∀✧) So be sure to finish the daily quests before the clock strikes at 12:00 AM UTC.
  7. Hero quests are one-time deals. So be sure to use your rewards properly from these quests. If you're interested as to how many loots you can get from these quests, you can check them out by clicking here.
  8. Can you see the arena in the map? This area does not only feature the PvP system of the game. It is also one of the best place to farm social points and diamonds. So don't be too hasty in fusing all those heroes of yours. Aim first to build a steady strong set of heroes for each arena regions. And be sure to participate in all of them as much as possible. Don't let a single ticket go to waste. Q(`⌒´Q)
  9. Gather social points as much as you can by adding friends in your list. You can do this by tapping the Friends icon at the bottom of the home screen and going to the Add tab. You can either search for a specific friend by tapping the rectangular box (the one under the "My Comrade Ticket" message) and tapping the search button (the one with the magnifying glass on it) after typing the name of a specific player that you're looking for (you can practice by looking up my name in it, search in AnjeL and see if you can find me (⌒▽⌒)☆). Or you can do a random search by tapping the "?" icon on the right side of the screen. You can gain social points from your friends by deploying your heroes to their team; if your friends summon one of your heroes as their comrade; and by asking your friends to send you some social points. I'll be posting a different post for that topic, so kindly watch out for it. :) So where are we gonna use all those social points anyway? You can use them in buying a Normal Gacha to complete your daily quests and by burning them all up in buying wings! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. Hero gachas are the easiest way to grab some new heroes but the most expensive way as well. Many are blinded by the 10+1 Premium Gacha offer especially the newbies (including me when I was just starting). But to be honest, if you're aiming to grab some 6-star or 7-star heroes from the premium gachas, don't get your hopes up. You'll mostly end up with 4-stars, with a couple of chance in grabbing some 5-stars, rarely for 6-stars, and an almost impossible chance of getting a 7-star out of it. So here's my advice. Save up all your diamonds until you get 300 of them. Once you acquired this amount, only buy the 300 diamonds worth of 10+1 Premium Gacha ONLY ONCE EVER IN YOUR LIFE (unless you're already a rich kid that can just easily buy diamonds with your cash or pretty much a high-leveled player already). Again, only ONCE. And from there, build your team up by upgrading them and fusing them. 
  11. Okay, so now I bet you're asking "what am I supposed to do with all those diamonds left if I'm only gonna buy the 10+1 Premium Gacha once?". Good question. :) I'll give you two options as to how you can utilize those diamonds of yours. Option [A]: you can first invest for the Wing Capacity Upgrade (maximum would be 12 wings) to utilize the regeneration time. Thus, you can just play for every two hours instead of checking your account every 50 minutes. Plus you can play much longer. And all the rest, just burn all those diamonds by buying wings and EXP boost. Option [B]: ignore the wing capacity upgrade and just use them all up in buying wings and EXP boost. Since you're going to buy a bunch of wings anyway, the regeneration timer won't start until your wings are below the maximum capacity in your account (which is five (5) wings if you didn't purchase any wing upgrade), hence the upgrade you made will be useless until then. You'll get a hang of it as to which you think suits your gaming style. As to how many wings to buy, it is alway more logical to buy 100 wings using 100 diamonds which is the cheapest one compared to the other sets. The same with the EXP Boost, it is always better to buy a 3-days boost at 50 diamonds compared to the other offers. Though the amount of wings and which exp boost you will purchase still vary on your diamonds' capacity. Please do take note that EXP BOOST is USELESS WITHOUT WINGS. So yes, a little bit of common sense is still necessary. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. Always grab those Time Zone tickets on the dungeon rewards. It is always the best place to farm golds and crystals. I already got some posts about Time Zone so feel free to check them out by clicking here.
  13. When leeching heroes for fusion, forge the hero's gear until you got a +EXP% as its shield. The weapon and the armor of the leeched hero doesn't matter since that hero will not go into battle anyway. The +EXP% on their shield will still be in effect even if they didn't go into battle.
  14. In leeching heroes, you can put up a team of two (2) tanks and one (1) leech; or one (1) tank and two (2) leech depending on your heroes' strenght. Preferred tanks are the range heroes.
  15. In grinding dungeons, always go for the toughest dungeon that your tank hero(es) can survive without any help from the leech hero(es). In addition, focus on grinding the "melee-based" dungeons. This way, whether you are using a ranged tank or a melee tank, things will go for your advantage. If you got a ranged tank, the enemies will be killed/damaged first before it can can hurt your hero. Whereas, if you're using a melee tank, the enemy cannot hurt you the same way as you cannot hurt them if they are still far away. The following are the melee-based dungeons:
    • 1-1
    • 1-3
    • 1-9
    • 1-10
    • 2-9
    • 2-11
    • 2-14
    • 3-2
    • 3-8
    • 3-11
    • 3-13
    • 4-12
    • 5-2
    • 5-7
    • 5-12
    • 5-13
  16. In upgrading heroes, since this is a game of chance, even a 50%+ chance of success in upgrading still got a tendency for failure (of course except for the 100% success rate). I tend to just focus on aiming a minimum of 25% success rate for each upgrade. Yes, even in upgrading a 3-star hero I prefer to sacrifice 1-star and 2-star heroes than using a 3-star itself. But every upgrade formula varies to players depending on their resources (golds and sacrificial heroes). If you'd like to see which one suits you best, you can check the Hero Upgrade Page to see the upgrade cost for each hero-tier. Plus, it includes a "Hero Upgrade Calculator" for the success rate depending on which hero you will upgrade and the sacrificial heroes you will use. If gold is not an issue, here's my general formula for each tier:
    • Upgrading 3-stars: one (1) 1-star / one (1) 2-star / one (1) 3-star
    • Upgrading 4-stars: one (1) 2-star / one (1) 3-star
    • Upgrading 5-stars: one (1) 3-star
    • Upgrading 6-stars: three (3) 3-star / one (1) 4-star
    • Upgrading 7-stars: three (3) 4-stars
    As you can see, I only limit my sacrificial heroes up to the 4-star tier. Since fusing for sacrifice is too costly and needs a lot of effort, sacrificing a 5-star hero is too much of a waste for me.
  17. Have a lookout on FAS' Official Facebook Page for events. The GMs tends to be generous most of the time. ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)
This post became too lengthy. σ( ̄、 ̄〃) Sorry. (*_ _)人
Anyway, I will continue posting tips and guides on this blog so if you're looking for any specific guide, feel free to leave a comment on this blog or sending me an e-mail through the contact page. ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

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